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”When I was a kid I spent a lot of time wondering who was in the closet and who was under the bed, footsteps chasing me in the night, dreams that I had as kid and I realised a lot of what stops me from what I want to do is fear. I think that stops a lot of people doing what they want to do, or saying what they want to say. I think that's one of the hardest things in the world for people to admit to and you get kind of scared of yourself. Paper Monsters - that's what's always stopped me and these songs have come out of that. There were all these monsters growing inside of me and I had to let them out and then I realized that it was only this huge symbolic sheet of paper that was stopping me, but then I realized I could just rip it apart and rip through it and come out the other side, so that's where the title came from.” (from interview with Dave,2003) |
So let's STOP multiplying scary Monsters inventing them in our idle fancy!
Let's face the reality as it is!
Let's open our eyes, open our hearts, reach out and touch faith!
And if you have something to tell: extraordinary stories and unique photographs you're welcome! Your stuff will be posted on this site (of course with your authorship)
Contact me: modelen@lycos.com